Friday, March 30, 2012

Bob's 66 Corvette Stingray

1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray

Mike and Mark had just parked and ordered two large, frosty A&W root beers, double cheeseburgers and curly fries.  Suddenly, they heard the familiar rumble of Bob's 66 Corvette rolling into the parking lot of the local drive in.

Bob was a huge man.  He was in his late 50's, stood at 6'5" and must have weighed over 270 lbs.  Mike and Mark were amazed he could squeeze his huge frame in and out of his Corvette.  He made Mike and Mark look like small children.

The "cool guys" would meet up at A&W every Wednesday evening during the summer.   Classic cars from all over would take over the restaurant for the evening.  The owner didn't mind at all.  For the most part, they were a respectful group of guys.  They were great for business too.

Luckily for Mike and Mark, Bob liked them.  While Bob was pulling into A&W, an old wood paneled station wagon pulled in right behind him.  Four young girls, music blaring, bouncing up and down to the beat.  They were laughing and smiling, having a great time enjoying the warm, summer evening.

Unfortunately, the girl driving the station wagon wasn't paying much attention to what was going on in front of her.  Her car rolled forward and over the blaring radio echoed the sound of a sickening "CRACK".  The young girl had hit the back of Bob's pristine Corvette.

Mike and Mark heard the engine of the Vette shut down.  The door of Bob's car flew open.  Mike and Mark start chewing faster and harder, like two kids eating popcorn during the climax of a movie at the theatre.

Bob walked to the back of his Vette, to view how much damage has been done to his baby's bumper.  Without a word or even a glance towards the cowering teenagers, Bob walked back to his car, leaned into his car window and pulled out a shiny, metal baseball bat.

Mike and Matt's mouths simultaneously stop chewing.  "Holy sh--" Mike whispered.  Both were frozen from the scene unfolding before their eyes.    Why does he have a bat in his backseat?  they wonder.  He doesn't even play baseball.  Maybe he had been saving it for an occasion such as this!

Still silent, Bob lumbered up to the front of the station wagon, faced the windshield,lifted the bat above his head with both hands, and with all of his power, repeatedly smashed the bat into the hood of the wagon.  

The nervous teenage girls began screaming and wrapping their arms around each other. One had her hands over her ears to muffle the sickening thud of his baseball bat slamming into the hood of their car.

When Bob was done, he walked quietly back to his Vette.  Threw the bat into the passengers seat and poured his huge frame back into his seat.  He started up his car and calmly and slowly, pulled into the unoccupied space next to Mike and Mark (who were laughing uncontrollably about what had just went down).

 A car-hop skillfully rolled up on her old school roller-skates. Bob placed his order as if nothing had happened, ordering his usual, cheeseburger with extra pickles, curly fries and large root beer float.

Mike and Mark leaned over, still snickering and said "How's it going, Bob?"

"Just fine.  What are you guys up to?"

Meanwhile, behind them, the four teenage girls have pulled their beaten and bruised station wagon into a  parking spot, far away from Bob, and have gotten out to see the damage.  All of them crying and freaking out.

The manager suddenly appeared next to Bob's car window and gave him a heads up that the cops were on their way.

"Who cares.  Let 'em come.  I'm still eating my dinner."

In less than five minutes, four cop cars rolled up. A police officer walked carefully up to Bob's drivers side window.  Bob recognized the officer.  They had butted heads more than a couple times over the past few years.  Bob hated this guy.

 "I need you to get out of your car now."  said Officer Tom.

"Why?  If I get out of my car, I'm gonna hurt somebody."

The officer kept insisting and eventually Bob got out of his Vette and showed the officer the damage to his bumper.

"Look at that!"  Bob yelled.

"What?" the officer replied.

"Look closer" said Bob

The officer bent down, his face an inch away from the bumper of Bob's car.  Bob suddenly did the unthinkable and smashed the officer in the face with his giant knee sending blood spurting from Officer Tom's nose.

At that point, all hell broke loose.   It took 4 officers to hold Bob down.  He was taken away to jail in handcuffs.

A week later, Mike and Mark saw Bob pull in to A& W.  He took up his usual space right next to them. Bob informed them he was out on bail.  While Mike and Mark were chatting, Bob spotted the arresting officer sitting across the street in his patrol car.  Bob stopped in mid sentence, his eyes grew dark and cold  and he took of running.  According to Mike and Mark, he beat the tar out of the officer and was put back in jail.  This time he got four years.

Sadly, Mike and Mark learned that within a year after Bob's release from serving four years in jail, he was killed in a car crash while being chased by the police!

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